The Eucharist is the highpoint of the Christian life – it is both the source of our life in community and the summit of all we do.
The Lord Himself feeds us with His Body and Blood – could there be any more precious gifts?

Children who are Baptised Catholic in Year 3 and up are able to begin their preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation where they begin to understand that they sometimes make poor choices that prevent them from living in the freedom of a child of God.
We call these poor choices sins. Once a child has celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation which restores them in their relationship with God and the community, they are able to then receive the Sacrament of Eucharist (First Holy Communion), where they receive the Body of our Lord Jesus under the form of bread.

Sacramental Program Information for First Holy Communion 2024

Please contact the Parish Office if you did not attend Information evening on the 9th May. An enrolment form can be picked up from the office during office hours.

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