There are many ways that you can help enable the liturgical, sacramental, pastoral and charitable works of your parish. One way is to contribute to parish giving via the two collections at Sunday Mass. As we move more and more into a cashless society, many parishioners prefer to contribute to parish giving
electronically instead of the traditional forms of putting cash and planned giving envelopes into the collection baskets during Mass. The Diocese of Wollongong have created a number of ways below for you to easily give electronically on a regular basis or as a one-off gift.
A parish is dependent on the generosity of its parishioners to sustain itself and its many charitable and pastoral works. Generally, this support is through two collections at each Sunday Mass.
for your priests(s)
Historically, these have been funds for the parish priest to use as an allowance for his financial livelihood, a stipend (small salary) for the assistant priest(s), their weekly sustenance needs and a modest wage for a house keeper. After the Second Vatican Council in the early 1960s dioceses were encouraged to establish a central fund to which the proceeds of each parish’s first collection (less their deductions for sustenance needs) was directed and from which stipends were then paid according to an equitable arrangement.
In 1984, a central fund known as the Clergy Remuneration Fund was established.
Today, this fund provides for a priest’s:
- Monthly stipend
- Private health insurance
- Superannuation contribution
… which, altogether is comparable to the value of the aged pension. This fund also provides a co-contribution towards the financial support of a priest who is on light duties due to ill health or who has retired.
for your parish community
Planned Giving (which comprises envelopes and direct debits) and any loose cash donated at this collection are banked into a parish account which is overseen by your Parish Finance Council. The many costs of running a parish are deducted from this account. Some of the expenses covered include:
- Parish operating costs such as insurance, utilities, telecommunications, general maintenance and upkeep of the church, presbytery, buildings and parish property
- Any loan debt servicing for parish buildings
- Parish pastoral programs
- Parish staff salaries including superannuation
- Car expenses for the priest(s) in the parish
- A Cathedraticum (contribution) to the Bishop towards the costs of running the Diocese (10%).
After the end of each calendar year, an external auditor reviews the parish accounts. A copy of the auditor’s report is given to the diocese, the Parish Finance Council and is made available to parishioners.